ELANA Heart Bypass Procedure
Scroll down to learn more about our work in visualizing a sutureless heart bypass procedure using the minimally invasive ELANA® Heart Bypass technique.
Client: AMT Medical
We worked together with AMT Medical to create an animated explainer video about their ELANA® Heart Clip, a connector clip the size of a grain of rice that removes the need for sutures in a heart bypass procedure. This educational video accompanies their E-learning module that will be used to educate surgeons on how the ELANA® technique works.
01 - Overview
Margot Ceelen
Ezra Van Hattem
02 - What is the ELANA® Heart Bypass?
A traditional coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) is a surgical procedure used to treat coronary heart disease. The heart, like all organs, requires a constant supply of blood. Atherosclerosis is a condition where one of the coronary arteries narrows from fatty plaque build-up and becomes clogged. This can result in anginas, blood clots, and heart attacks.
A CABG diverts the blood around the blocked artery using a graft from another part of the body (usually the chest, leg, or arm). A traditional heart bypass procedure is often highly invasive as it requires a large incision into the chest to access the heart. ELANA® Heart Clip connects the donor vessel to the blocked vessel and allows blood to flow freely through the newly made path without a need for sutures. This tiny clip stays in the body upon completion of the surgery. Due to the minimally invasive nature of this procedure, there is a decreased chance of infections, internal bleeding, stroke, and a significantly shorter recovery time.

03 - Our Solution ✨
After thoroughly researching traditional CABG procedures in comparison to the ELANA® CABG technique, we created storyboards with a bold 2d illustrative style that would clearly show the procedure step by step. Check out our process below!

1. Storyboard: Each animation begins with a storyboard to serve as a visual representation of still pictures of your video. It marks the key moments of each video so that you can map out your ideas.

2. Style Frame: This represents a full-colored and rendered visualization of the planned frame. These frames let the client know what the end result will look like.

3. Animatic: Next we cut together a rough animatic, which acts as a preliminary version of the animation. This involves stringing together the storyboard frames with a rough voice over.

4. Final Product: Voila! After incorporating client feedback, refining timing, and adding in motion graphics effects, we have the final animation.
Let’s Chat
Do you need an explainer animation or film to explain your medical device or surgical procedure? Reach out to us and we can start the conversation.