Navitor™ TAVI System Heart Valve Illustrations
Scroll down to learn about how we created heart valve medical illustrations for the Navitor™ TAVI System.
Abbott approached us to visualize their Navitor™ TAVI Heart valve. This series of medical illustrations would be used in a brochure that would be given to various medical professionals at a Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics congress.
01 - Overview
Margot Ceelen
02 - What is the
“Navitor™ TAVI System”?
The Navitor™ is a transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) for patients with aortic stenosis. In this type of heart valve disease, the value between the lower left heart chamber and the aorta narrows and cannot fully open. This results in reduced to blocked blood flow preventing blood from being pumped out of the heart and into the rest of the body.
The Navitor™ works to keep this valve open and allow for coronary access.

03 - Our Solution ✨
Our process involved in-depth research into how the Navitor interacts with the patient's anatomy. We had to make sure that the correct stent cells matched the location of the coronary ostia, so that the Navitor was in commissural alignment. We chose bright, stimulating colors to draw attention to major components and create clear contrast for easy visual scanning.
“The team at Biotic Artlab are simply the best. Their vision, creativity, and expertise set them apart in a major way. We worked with them to develop a suite of truly stunning images showcasing our product in anatomy in a way that has never been seen before. There’s a reason the world’s leading KOLs go to Biotic when they need complex topics represented visually, simply, and beautifully.”
Let’s Chat
Are you looking to visualize your medical device? Reach out to us and we can start the conversation.